We would like to thank the Parkinson’s Foundation for their passion in allowing us to create an event to bring attention to the disease and creating an opportunity for the comedy industry to help and support people with Parkinson’s.
We would also like to thank Terry Shapiro for her roll in helping s support this event. Fun was had by all.

We also we would like to thank Yolanda our 50/50 raffle host for working and hosting the room.

We especially would like to thank all of our sponsors and partners for providing all of our amazing raffle prizes.

Thank you Comedy Chateau for the amazing venue and services for that night. The food was off the chain and the staff was was brilliant. Come check out a show Wednesdays through Sundays. Be sure to use Promo Code: “KIMBROUGH”
Thank you Keith from PayGiv for providing tickets for those who could not afford them.

Thank you Steven E Kimbrough from the PNN Academy and Tipping Comedians for producing the show the event and the hard work you put in it to bring it across the finish line.

Thank you Hollywood Drive In Film Festival for all of your love and support. Join us August 18, 2023 at Bates Nut farm for a Drive In Move experience under the stars. We are screening “The Super Mario Brothers Movie” Gates are 5:00pm.

Be sure to stop by The Comedy Chateau on Thursday Night and check out Ref Kimbrough 7:30pm show times. Be sure to use promo code: “KIMBROUGH”

We also would like the that all of the comedians that gave their time and talent: Our headliner Brian Kiley, our host Steven E Kimbrough, Black Pedro, Julia Sporka, Kareem Mathews, Ryan Mathew Lambs, Joe Dalo, Mike Dawson and Matthew Hirshsen. Super funny show. We can’t wait to do it again.

Thank you PNN Academy for your support in lining up the comedians for this event. They were awesome. If you would like to learn how to do Stand-Up Comedy, please click on the banner below.

We would like to give a special thanks to the Fallbrook Mission Theater for their support with the PNN Academy that helped organize the Comedians.

Thank you Faith Fierro Winner of the Miceli’s Pizza Restaurant ($100 Gift Certificate) very much for attending our event. Come join my every Tuesday 4:00pm to 8:00pm for the Miceli’s PodBrother Happy Hour Podcast. Click PodOwwll.com to book a spot on my podcast.

Thank you Terry Martinez Winner of the 60 minute facial, 3 days two night at Miracle Springs Resort and Spa, and the 2 VIP Passes for the Jorjezian Film Festival ($150) September 5 – 10, 2023.

Thank you Adriana Valenzuela Winner of 2 Spirit Cruises for your laughs and your support. Enjoy your Spirit Cruises, take some photos and let us know how fun you had.

Thank you Maria Jorjezian Winner of the Brad Garrett Comedy Club and thank you for your VIP Film Festival Package for 2.

Thank you Kosimo Russell Winner of the 50/50 Cash Raffle $40.00 don’t spend it all in one place.
$45.00 in Donations given to individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and 40.00 for 50/50.

Big thanks to the Owwll Community for your support with this event. Be sure to download the Owwll App and get your business networking on point. Owwll.com use promo code: “Comedy” If you would like to be on the PodOwwll.com podcast, please click the banner below:

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